
import knots_hub.constants

Variables that are constants through the app runtime.

knots_hub.constants.EXECUTABLE_NAME = 'knots_hub-v0.6.0'

Name to give to the packaged executable, without the file extension.

knots_hub.constants.EXECUTABLE_NAME_REGEX = re.compile('knots_hub-v[\\d.]+')

An expression that must match wen a string is a potential EXECUTABLE_NAME

class knots_hub.constants.Environ

Global list of supported environment variables.


Filesystem path to an existing json file which list all the hub version available with an associated path for download.


Filesystem path to the location on the user system where the hub is installed.


Filesystem path to an existing json file used to specify which external program to install with which version.

knots_hub.constants.IS_APP_FROZEN = False

Find if the current runtime is a packaged executable.

class knots_hub.constants.OS

Current operating system.

classmethod is_linux() bool
classmethod is_mac() bool
classmethod is_windows() bool
classmethod name() str
classmethod raise_unsupported()
knots_hub.constants.SHORTCUT_NAME = 'knots-hub'

Name of the shortcut to the last executable, without the file extension.

Changing this could have unplanned consequences.