Command Line Interface documentation.
Assuming knots-hub and its dependencies are installed:
python -m knots-hub --help
usage: knots_hub [-h] [--debug] [--no-coloring] [--log-environ]
{kloch,uninstall,about} ...
Manage and access the knots pipeline for its users.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
more verbose logging.
--no-coloring Disable colored logging, in case your system doesn't
support it.
--log-environ True will log the current system environment variable.
Also need the debug flag.
Directly call the kloch tool that is integrated in the hub.
All arguments are directly passed to the kloch CLI so check the kloch documentation for details.
usage: knots_hub uninstall [-h] [--debug] [--no-coloring] [--log-environ]
Uninstall the hub and its dependencies from the user system.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with more
verbose logging.
--no-coloring Disable colored logging, in case your system doesn't support
--log-environ True will log the current system environment variable. Also
need the debug flag.
usage: knots_hub about [-h] [--debug] [--no-coloring] [--log-environ]
[--open-install-dir] [--open-data-dir]
Display meta informations about knots hub itself.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with more
verbose logging.
--no-coloring Disable colored logging, in case your system doesn't
support it.
--log-environ True will log the current system environment variable.
Also need the debug flag.
--open-install-dir Open the local installation directory for knots-hub in
the system file explorer.
--open-data-dir Open the local "data" directory for knots-hub in the
system file explorer.