import kloch.launchers
- class kloch.launchers.LauncherContext(platform: LauncherPlatform | None = None, user: str | None = None)¶
Collection of system-contextual values in which a profile is being parsed.
You can compare 2 context using the equal comparator however be aware that a None value (implies unset) will be considered equal to any other value.
ctx1 = LauncherContext(platform=LauncherPlatform.linux, user="demo") ctx2 = LauncherContext(platform=LauncherPlatform.linux, user=None) assert ctx1 == ctx2
- classmethod create_from_system()¶
Fill the instance with values retrieved from the current system context.
- platform: LauncherPlatform | None = None¶
name of the operating system
- user: str | None = None¶
name of the current user
- kloch.launchers.get_available_launchers_classes(plugins: LoadedPluginsLaunchers[Type[BaseLauncher]] | None = None) List[Type[BaseLauncher]] ¶
Collect all the launchers classes available.
This is simply the given plugin launchers + builtin launchers.
- Parameters:
plugins – collection of launcher loaded from plugins.
- kloch.launchers.get_available_launchers_serialized_classes(plugins: LoadedPluginsLaunchers[Type[BaseLauncherSerialized]] | None = None) List[Type[BaseLauncherSerialized]] ¶
Collect all the serialized launchers classes available.
This is simply the given plugin launchers + builtin launchers.
- Parameters:
plugins – collection of launcher loaded from plugins
- class kloch.launchers.LoadedPluginsLaunchers(launchers: List[T], missed: Dict[str, str], given: List[str])¶
- kloch.launchers.check_launcher_plugins(plugins: LoadedPluginsLaunchers[Type[BaseLauncherSerialized]]) List[Exception] ¶
Return any issue/error the given launcher may have.
This function is not supposed to raise if a launcher is invalid.
- Parameters:
plugins – collection of plugin launcher loaded from external modules.
- Returns:
list of errors found in given loaded plugins, empty if no errors.
- kloch.launchers.is_launcher_plugin(launcher: Type[BaseLauncher] | Type[BaseLauncherSerialized]) bool ¶
Return True if the given launcher is an external plugin else False if builtin.
- class kloch.launchers.LauncherSerializedDict¶
A list of launchers instance serialized as a dict structure.
The dict is expected to have the following root structure:
{"manager_name1": {...}, "manager_name2": {...}, ...}
The dict structure include tokens that need to be resolved and indicate how to merge 2
instances together. SeeMergeableDict
for the full documentation on tokens.- get_filtered_context(context: LauncherContext) LauncherSerializedDict ¶
Remove all launchers that doesn’t match the given context.
- Returns:
a new deepcopied instance with possibly lesser keys.
- to_serialized_list(launcher_classes: List[Type[BaseLauncherSerialized]]) LauncherSerializedList ¶
Convert the dict structure to a list of
instances.- Parameters:
launcher_classes – list of launchers classes that can be possibly stored in this serialized dict.
- Raises:
ValueError – If a launcher is serialized in this instance but is unknown.
- Returns:
deepcopied dict structure as list of instances.
- with_context_resolved() LauncherSerializedDict ¶
Merge all the same launchers with different contexts to a single launcher.
- class kloch.launchers.LauncherSerializedList(iterable=(), /)¶
]- to_dict() Dict[str, Dict] ¶
Convert the list to a builtin dict structure (noc ustom class used).
Useful for serialization or to convert to a
- with_base_merged() LauncherSerializedList ¶
Get a copy of this instance with the
launcher merged with the other launchers.(This implies the returned instance does NOT have a
key anymore)- Returns:
new instance with deepcopied structure.
- class kloch.launchers.BaseLauncher(environ: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, command: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, cwd: str | None = None, priority: int = 0)¶
An “abstract” dataclass that describe how to start a software environment session.
- command: List[str]¶
Arbitrary list of command line arguments to call at the end of the launcher execution.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- cwd: str | None = None¶
Current working directory.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- environ: Dict[str, str]¶
Mapping of environment variables to set when starting the environment.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- abstract execute(tmpdir: Path, command: List[str] | None = None) int ¶
Start the given environment and execute this python session.
Optionally execute the given command in the environment.
- Parameters:
tmpdir – filesystem path to an existing temporary directory
command – optional list of command line arguments
- Returns:
The exit code of the execution. 0 if successfull, else imply failure.
- classmethod from_dict(src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) BaseLauncher ¶
Generate an instance from a python dict object with a specific structure.
- name: ClassVar[str] = '.base'¶
A unique name among all subclasses.
- priority: int = 0¶
How much you should privilege this launcher to be used over other launchers.
- required_fields: ClassVar[List[str]] = []¶
List of dataclass field that are required to have a non-None value when instancing.
Note that your subclass must have the default field value set to None for this to work.
@dataclasses.dataclass class DemoLauncher(BaseLauncher): # override the BaseLauncher.environ field to make it required environ: Dict[str, str] = None required_fields = ["environ"]
- to_dict() Dict[str, Any] ¶
Convert the instance to a python dict object.
- class kloch.launchers.BaseLauncherSerialized¶
A BaseLauncher instance as a serialized dict object.
The dict structure might be invalid and might need resolving, before being unserialized to a valid BaseLauncher instance.
- fields¶
alias of
- identifier: str = '.base'¶
value pair.
- Type:
An unique name among serialized launcher that can be use in a dict key
- resolved() Dict ¶
Modify the dict structure, so it can be unserialized properly.
- source¶
alias of
- unserialize() BaseLauncher ¶
Convert the dict to a valid instance.
- abstract validate()¶
Ensure the dict structure can be resolved to a valid structure than can be unserialized.
Raise an exeception on any issue.
- class kloch.launchers.BaseLauncherFields(environ: Dict[str, str | List[str]] = 'environ', merge_system_environ: bool = 'merge_system_environ', command: List[str] = 'command', cwd: str = 'cwd', priority: int = 'priority')¶
A mapping of ‘dataclass field name’: ‘corresponding key name in serialized dict’.
Where the field name is the variable name. This implies you can have a different variable string value than the variable name.
is valid.This class is never instanced and all attributes are used at class level.
- classmethod iterate() List[Field] ¶
Return all the fields defined on this dataclass
BaseLauncher Subclasses¶
- class kloch.launchers.SystemLauncher(environ: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, command: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, cwd: str | None = None, priority: int = 0, command_as_str: bool = False, subprocess_kwargs: dict = <factory>, expand_first_arg: bool = False)¶
A minimal launcher that just start a subprocess with the given command.
- command: List[str]¶
Arbitrary list of command line arguments to call at the end of the launcher execution.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- cwd: str | None = None¶
Current working directory.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- environ: Dict[str, str]¶
Mapping of environment variables to set when starting the environment.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- execute(tmpdir: Path, command: List[str] | None = None)¶
Just call
- classmethod from_dict(src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) BaseLauncher ¶
Generate an instance from a python dict object with a specific structure.
- name: ClassVar[str] = '.system'¶
A unique name among all subclasses.
- priority: int = 0¶
How much you should privilege this launcher to be used over other launchers.
- required_fields: ClassVar[List[str]] = []¶
List of dataclass field that are required to have a non-None value when instancing.
Note that your subclass must have the default field value set to None for this to work.
@dataclasses.dataclass class DemoLauncher(BaseLauncher): # override the BaseLauncher.environ field to make it required environ: Dict[str, str] = None required_fields = ["environ"]
- subprocess_kwargs: dict¶
Mapping of kwargs to pass to python’s ‘’ call.
- to_dict() Dict[str, Any] ¶
Convert the instance to a python dict object.
- class kloch.launchers.SystemLauncherSerialized¶
- fields¶
alias of
- identifier: str = '.system'¶
value pair.
- Type:
An unique name among serialized launcher that can be use in a dict key
- source¶
alias of
- unserialize() SystemLauncher ¶
Convert the dict to a valid instance.
- validate()¶
Ensure the dict structure can be resolved to a valid structure than can be unserialized.
Raise an exeception on any issue.
- class kloch.launchers.PythonLauncher(environ: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, command: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, cwd: str | None = None, priority: int = 0, python_file: str | None = None)¶
A launcher that execute the given python file with kloch’s own interpreter.
- command: List[str]¶
Arbitrary list of command line arguments to call at the end of the launcher execution.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- cwd: str | None = None¶
Current working directory.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- environ: Dict[str, str]¶
Mapping of environment variables to set when starting the environment.
The developer is reponsible of honoring the field usage in its launcher implementation.
- execute(tmpdir: Path, command: List[str] | None = None)¶
Just call
+ the file path
- classmethod from_dict(src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) BaseLauncher ¶
Generate an instance from a python dict object with a specific structure.
- name: ClassVar[str] = '.python'¶
A unique name among all subclasses.
- priority: int = 0¶
How much you should privilege this launcher to be used over other launchers.
- python_file: str = None¶
Filesystem path to an existing python file.
- required_fields: ClassVar[List[str]] = ['python_file']¶
List of dataclass field that are required to have a non-None value when instancing.
Note that your subclass must have the default field value set to None for this to work.
@dataclasses.dataclass class DemoLauncher(BaseLauncher): # override the BaseLauncher.environ field to make it required environ: Dict[str, str] = None required_fields = ["environ"]
- to_dict() Dict[str, Any] ¶
Convert the instance to a python dict object.
- class kloch.launchers.PythonLauncherSerialized¶
- fields¶
alias of
- identifier: str = '.python'¶
value pair.
- Type:
An unique name among serialized launcher that can be use in a dict key
- resolved() Dict ¶
Modify the dict structure, so it can be unserialized properly.
- source¶
alias of
- unserialize() PythonLauncher ¶
Convert the dict to a valid instance.
- validate()¶
Ensure the dict structure can be resolved to a valid structure than can be unserialized.
Raise an exeception on any issue.