Command Line Interface documentation.


Assuming kloch and its dependencies are installed:

python -m kloch --help

The CLI can also be started from a python script:

import kloch

# you can also use get_cli to have more control
# main difference is logging not being configuring
cli = kloch.get_cli(["..."])



import kloch
usage: kloch [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]
             {run,list,resolve,python,plugins} ...

Create an environment to launch software using pre-defined configurations.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.


import kloch
kloch.get_cli(["run", "--help"])
usage: kloch run [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]
                 [--launcher LAUNCHER] [-- [COMMAND ...]]
                 profile_ids [profile_ids ...]

Launch an environment as described in the given profile.

Optionally specify a command to execute after the "--" argument:
   > kloch run some-profile -- echo "hello world"

positional arguments:
  profile_ids           One or more identifier or file paths of existing
                        environment profile(s). The profiles are concatenated
                        together from left to right.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.
  --launcher LAUNCHER   The name of a launcher to use in the provided
                        environment profile. Only required if the profile
                        define more than one launcher profile.
  -- [COMMAND ...]      Specify multiple argument to execute in the
                        environment as a single command. MUST be the last
                        argument as anything after is consumed.If the profile
                        already specify a command, the arguments are appended
                        to the existing command.

Be aware that the run command need to create files on the system. The location is determined by the cli_session_dir option. Those locations can be cleared automaticaly based on a lifetime option.


import kloch
kloch.get_cli(["list", "--help"])
usage: kloch list [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]

List all available profiles.

positional arguments:
  id_filter             A regex expression to remove profiles whose identifier
                        doesn't match. Example: "knots" will match all profile
                        starting by "knots"; ".*beta.*" will match all profile
                        containing "beta"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.


import kloch
kloch.get_cli(["resolve", "--help"])
usage: kloch resolve [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]
                     profile_ids [profile_ids ...]

Output the given profile(s) resolved and merged to a single profile.The output
is machine parsable as a valid yaml file (unless you use the --debug flag).

positional arguments:
  profile_ids           One or more identifier or file paths of existing
                        environment profile(s). The profiles are concatenated
                        together from left to right.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.
                        Do not remove launcher that does not match the current
                        system context. (disable context token resolving)


import kloch
kloch.get_cli(["python", "--help"])
usage: kloch python [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]
                    file_path [user_args ...]

Execute the given python file with the internal python interpreter.

positional arguments:
  file_path             A filesysten path to an existing python file to
                        execute or an existing directory that MUST contains a
  user_args             Arbitrary nummber of command line argument passed to
                        the python file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.


import kloch
kloch.get_cli(["plugins", "--help"])
usage: kloch plugins [-h] [--debug] [--profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]]
                     [--launcher_plugins [LAUNCHER_PLUGINS ...]]

List information about the currently registred plugins.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               True to execute the CLI in debug mode. Usually with
                        more verbose logging.
  --profile_roots [PROFILE_ROOTS ...]
                        One or multiple filesystem path to existing directory
                        containing profile file. The paths are append to the
                        global profile roots variable.
  --launcher_plugins [LAUNCHER_PLUGINS ...]
                        Manually specify the launcher_plugins configuration
                        key instead of using the default/user-generated one.
                        This is a list of module names.