Configuration ============= Tweak the behavior of the knots-hub runtime using a configuration system. Each config key is set using an individual environment variable: .. exec_code:: :hide_code: :filename: _injected/ Content ------- .. program:: config .. exec-inject:: :filename: _injected/ Vendor Installers Config ------------------------ A configuration file in the ``json`` syntax that define a list of program installer that must be installed on the user local system and how each of them must be configured. The abstract configuration is defined as: .. tip:: If needed, the reading of the configuration is performed by :func:`knots_hub.installer.read_vendor_installers_from_file` .. code-block:: { "{installer_name}": { ... # installer configuration arguments }, ... } The list of supported installers and their configuration is as follow: .. exec-inject:: :filename: _injected/ .. warning:: Changing the ``install_dir`` for any installer will have the known side-effect of not removing the old ``install_dir`` on the local user machine if the user ever uninstall the hub in the future. Same for the ``dirs_to_make`` argument.