Profile File ============ An environment profile is serialized as a `yaml `_ file on disk. .. hint:: yaml is an human readable file format that allow to define tree hierarchies as `key:value` pair, where the `value` can also be a `key:value` pair and so on ... Here are the rules defining an environment profile file, files not matching those rules are discarded: - The file CAN have an abitrary name. - The file extension MUST be ``.yml``. - The file MUST NOT be empty. - The file MUST have a ``__magic__`` root key with a value starting by ``kloch_profile``. The content of the file is then defined as: +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ➡parent | : | +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ⬇key | | +================+=================+============================================================================+ | ``identifier`` | **required** | yes | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **type** | `str` | | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **description** | unique arbitrary chain of character used to retrieve a profile | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``version`` | **required** | yes | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **type** | `str` | | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **description** | arbitrary chain of characters indicating the version of this profile | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``inherit`` | **required** | no | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **type** | `str` | | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **description** | optional ``identifier`` of the profile that must be inherited | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``launchers`` | **required** | yes | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **type** | `dict` | | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **description** | configuration of each launcher | +----------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Inheritance ----------- As explained in :doc:`usage` it's possible to merge profiles "on top of each other" using the ``inherit`` key, or from the CLI. .. important:: Only the content of the ``launchers`` root key is merged with the other profile. Assuming ``profile-B`` is declaring a ``base: profile-A`` then the merge will happen as follow: - keep all root keys of ``profile-B`` that are not the ``launchers`` key. - merge the ``launchers`` as ``profile-A + profile-B`` .. note:: We use the same term as Python to explain inheritance: specifying ``inherit: profileA`` in ``profileB`` can be described as ``profileA`` is the *super* profile of the *sub* profile ``profileB`` Tokens ------ All keys in the ``launchers`` root key can make use of tokens. A token is a specific chain of characters that is removed (resolved) in the final config, but allow to be replaced by a dynamic value or provide contextual information to the key. Merge Tokens ____________ Those tokens indicate how the value of the key must be merged with a "base" value of similar type. In the context of environment profile it indicate how to merge the key/value pair of the current profile with the value of the profile specified in ``inherit``. A merge token: - MUST only appear in keys - MUST be prefixed to its key - CAN be optional The following merge tokens are available: +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | token | description | +====================+=================================================================+ | ``+=`` | indicate the key's value should be appended to the base's value | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``-=`` | indicate the base's key should be removed if it exist | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``==`` | indicate the base's value should be overriden | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``!=`` | add the key and value only if the key doesn't exist in base | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | `unset` | no token is similar to += (append) | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Here is an example making use of all of the tokens and the python API used to merge: .. exec_code:: :filename: _injected/ :language_output: python Launchers --------- Specified as key/value pair where the key is the launcher name and the value its configuration. +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ➡parent | :launchers | +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ⬇key | | +=====================+=================+==============================================================================+ | ``{launcher name}`` | **required** | no | +---------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **type** | `dict` | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **description** | a registred launcher name with its configuration | +---------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ List of available built-in launchers (see :doc:`launcher-plugins` for extending it): .. exec-inject:: import kloch.launchers launchers = kloch.launchers.get_available_launchers_serialized_classes() txt = "\n- ".join([""] + [f"``{launcher.identifier}`` : {launcher.summary}" for launcher in launchers]) print(txt) .. exec-inject:: :filename: _injected/ Examples -------- Assuming the file structure: .. container:: columns .. container:: column-left .. literalinclude:: _injected/demo-fileformat/profile-beta.yml :language: yaml :caption: ./profiles/beta.yml .. container:: column-right .. literalinclude:: _injected/demo-fileformat/profile.yml :language: yaml :caption: ./profiles/prod.yml We execute the following command: .. code-block:: shell kloch resolve knots:echoes --profile_roots ./profiles/ .. exec_code:: :hide_code: :filename: _injected/demo-fileformat/ :language_output: yaml ---- **References** .. [1] .. [2] ``:`` on UNIX, ``;`` on Windows .. [4] with